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Female and Forgetful

Do you walk into a room and forget why you're there?

Do you misplace your keys? Space out in mid-sentence?

Have you forgotten the name of the person you've just been introduced to?

If you're female and forgetful, you're not alone. Brain fog, forgetfulness, or simply the inability to think straight affects millions of women beginning as early as age 30 or younger - and no, it's not just your hormones. There is a silent epidemic that spans women of all ages; it infiltrates the baby-boomers as well as the board rooms. My co-author Dr. Lottor has received hundreds of letters from women who are angry, frustrated and frightened by their memory loss. I was experiencing lingering "chemo brain" on top of the usual memory challenges we expect with time.

That's why we teamed up to write Female and Forgetful and provide you with a program designed to help you help yourself. It allows you to understand your type of memory loss and its causes, providing a firm foundation for individualizing the Six-Step Program. By gently adjusting your brain chemistry, you can restore your memories, regain your mental acuity, and live life to its fullest.

In our book we explain why women experience memory loss, offering hope and help with an all-natural, six-step program that can help slow and sometimes halt memory loss and even restore mental agility. Now you can safely and effectively manage your mind with:

* Herbs and other botanicals to boost your memory
* Exercises that strengthen both body and mind
* Strategies for de-stressing and streamlining your life
* Ways to balance hormones naturally
* Supplements to calm your nervous and endocrine system
* Tricks and techniques to use when you lose your train of thought mid-sentence
* A brain boosting diet-delicious recipes of foods with nutrients important for mind and memory

Our goal in writing this book was to offer hope, help and empathy for women who are experiencing memory decline. It has helped many women get back what they have lost and allowed them to live full, productive lives. Wouldn’t you like to join them?

Chapter 1: Patterns of Forgetfulness
Chapter 2: The Inner Workings of the Female Mind
Chapter 3: Why Women Are Losing Their Memories
Chapter 4: Life In Overdrive
Chapter 5: Defining Your Problem

Chapter 6: Your Individualized Brain-Boosting Program
Chapter 7: Food For Thought
Chapter 8: Brain-Boosting Supplements
Chapter 9: Beyond Ginkgo: Herbs and Other Botanicals
Chapter 10: Stimulate Your Body and Brain
Chapter 11: De-stress and Streamline Your Life
Chapter 12: Coping Strategies and Quick Fixes

What the experts are saying about Female and Forgetful:

A very insightful and timely work . . .. Dr. Lottor gives women their life back . . . a must read. — Ronald B. Keys, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Life Extension Foundation

Insightful, interesting, and informative . . .. Every woman proactive about maintaining and improving her memory should read this book. — Dr. David Wong, M.D., Medical Director, Health Integration Center

Wise, scientific, and it works! Females have a higher incidence of memory loss than do men. Now Dr. Lottor shows women how to prevent and reverse cognitive decline. — Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.,
President/Medical Director, Alzheimer's Prevention Foundation

Elisa Lottor, Ph.D., N.D., author of Female and Forgetful is a nutritionist who holds a Doctorate in Homeopathy and is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor who can help you with the challenges of menopause NATURALLY!