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Effortless Beauty

Discover your body/personality type--and design a complete individualized beauty and weight loss program...the Ayurvedic Way.

Based on the Ayurvedic principles that Deepak Chopra has popularized so widely, this new and unusual beauty guide shows that you don't need expensive salons or strenuous workouts to look and feel wonderful. Using a self-test to determine your dosha, or body/personality type, you can find out how to incorporate delicious foods and natural fragrances into your daily routine, transform your home into an oasis for a sumptuous day of rejuvenating beauty treatments, lose weight with the mind/body/spirit approach, use herbs and essential oils, discover the benefits of yoga, meditation, and anti-aging techniques, and more.

* The book's revealing self-test will help readers determine their dosha or body/personality type
* Includes rejuvenating, purifying, and anti-aging techniques, as well as recipes and products you can make yourself from natural ingredients
* Also includes a list of mail order suppliers of products and ingredients